COPES Consultants Jennifer Haddow, Glenn Carlton and Mike Markowitz receiving the School Trauma Specialists of the year from Dr. Bill Steele founder of The National Institute for Trauma & Loss in Children. - 2009 

COPES Consultants Jennifer Haddow, Glenn Carlton and Mike Markowitz receiving the School Trauma Specialists of the year from Dr. Bill Steele founder of The National Institute for Trauma & Loss in Children. - 2009 

Michael R. Markowitz has been a school psychologist for 17-years and is a co-founder of COPES Consulting. Along with Glenn Carlton, Mr. Markowitz is the co-developer of the framework, “Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan — After the Crisis” (TECIP) and has been the coordinator of the South-Western City Schools District Flight Team (crisis response) since 2002.

Mr. Markowitz received the School Psychologist “Best Practices” Award from School Psychologists of Central Ohio (SPCO) in 2005, was recognized as one of three “Trauma Specialists of The Year” from the National Institute for Trauma & Loss in Children in 2009 (TLC Institute), and recently was honored as the 2014 Huelsman Award recipient from SPCO.

Mr. Markowitz completed his Bachelor of Arts in psychology from The Ohio State University and his Masters in Education in School Psychology from Queens College. Mr. Markowitz is licensed through the Ohio Board of Education as a School Psychologist and maintains his specialized certification through The TLC Institute.

Jennifer Haddow a co-founder of Crisis Oriented Planning and Educational Services, LLC, has been a teacher and a program facilitator during her professional career. She has been the co-facilitator of South-Western’s Districts Flight Team (crisis response team) and was recognized as one of TLC’s (National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children) three “Trauma and Loss School Specialists of the Year”. She is a guest presenter at The Ohio State University’s School of Education, discussing best practices. 

During her career, Jennifer has trained various building staff on programs regarding ways to improve the overall school climate including the use of social skills in the curriculum, school-wide behavior plans, and anti-bullying programs. As an educator, she works with emotionally and behaviorally challenged students. Jennifer is currently the Director of Special Education for Grandview Heights City Schools. Jennifer received her Bachelors of Science in Education from Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) and a Masters in Educational Leadership from the University of Dayton. Jennifer maintains specialized trauma and loss certification through TLC.

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COPES Consulting