
About COPES Consulting

Crisis Oriented Planning & Educational Services, LLC (also known as COPES Consulting) is an educational consulting firm founded in 2009. Although COPES Consulting is highlighted by its nationally recognized program “After the Crisis: Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan (TECIP), our award winning consultants are also proud to provide formal programming in the areas of “Practices for Improving Student Compliance” (voted as a top informational program by student-teachers at the Ohio State University), “Child Abuse & Violence Prevention” (which fulfills mandated training requirements), “Decrease the Bullying” (one hour of semester credit provided), “Social Skills Training/Practices for Improving School Climate” (both courses are based on a three year study and also offered for one hour of semester credit), “Classroom Strategies for the Success of ALL CHILDREN” and “A Cherished Life Has Ended” (a grief class following the loss of a child).

The firm’s founding consultants are made up of varied professionals including school psychologists, an intervention specialist, and a registered nurse. COPES consultants truly encapsulate the vast array of knowledge needed in providing effective school-based programming. We invite you to take a closer look at our course offerings for additional details on program content. Please contact us to discuss holding a training in your area. Thank you for visiting COPESConsulting.com.

COPES Consulting

7700 Windsor Dr
Dublin, Ohio