After the Crisis: Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan (TECIP)
In a time where schools are becoming increasingly vigilant in “School Safety plans” (i.e., steps taken for a fire, bomb threat or tornado), schools must be equally prepared to respond the first day back after knowledge of a traumatic event (i.e., following an accidental death of a student, a death of a teacher due to a prolonged illness or following a student suicide).
The unfortunate truth is that too many schools wait for a traumatic event to occur before seeing the need for a sound aftermath plan.
EXAMPLE: It’s Tuesday evening and you are informed that one of your students is tragically killed in an automobile accident.
The previous example is a reality that many school districts face. The main question you MUST ask yourself is this…
“Are we as a building prepared to meet the emotional and psychological needs of all those impacted by this traumatic event?”
The Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan (TECIP ™), a program developed by the founders of COPES Consulting, has taught schools and districts how to develop sound aftermath crisis response plans, along with providing practical strategies and support materials in helping those impacted by the incident. TECIP is a field tested model that is adaptable regardless of the size of the school or school district.
Tragic events within the school community, such as an unexpected death, or a catastrophic disaster, have significant potential to not only adversely impact academic achievement, but also to inflict pain, turmoil, confusion, and heartache on both students and staff. With this recognition, the primary purpose of this two-day course is to introduce a flexible proactive Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan (TECIP)® that can be readily implemented following exposure, either directly or indirectly, to a traumatic event.
This course will provide participants with knowledge, protocols and materials designed to facilitate (1) competent, thorough and proactive pre-incident (traumatic event) preparation, (2) subsequent day (after students and staff have returned to school) deployment of crisis response team members and management of the building response, and (3) familiarity with a variety of intervention strategies and documents specifically designed to strengthen building response following a traumatic event.
Click here to open the Course Abstract for the 2-day TECIP Training
Click here to purchase the TECIP manual
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